Wednesday, January 18, 2017

World Brief

Extension of Babushka World, yeah!  I'll come up with a better title.

Characters- Most of the characters we encounter will be creatures- both anthropomorphized/intelligent and normal animal-type creatures.  Irmuska (protagonist) and her grandson are both human- any other humans encountered will be background characters.  The primary antagonist will be a humanoid creature.

Setting- Fantasy earth.  Most environments will be something that could plausibly exist on earth, though flora (and definitely fauna) should be uniquely of this fictional world.  Magical items and creatures exist, though there is no "spell" system in place or human-used magic.

Technology- The technology places this universe in a Medieval earth equivalent.  This is flexible, there isn't a hard time period set.

Assignment layout (subject to change)-
Protagonist Design- Irmuska (refine her design)
Humanoid Design- antagonist
Mammalian Creature Design- wild card
Avian Creature Design- messenger character?
Reptilian Creature Design- merchant character?
Insect Creature Design- maybe I can shoehorn in a praying mantis? cave mantis?
Mount Design- Irmuska's snow mount

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